
女神羞羞研究所mpany, Ltd.


When is your Fiscal Year?
From April 1 to March 31
When do you plan to announce earnings?
Please see the IR Calendar.
Where can I find materials on past earnings?
Please see the IR Library.
Can I view the meetings on earnings online?
Unfortunately, video streaming of the meetings is not available, but you can find the presentation materials used in the meetings in the IR Library.
What kind of risks do you anticipate as having potential impact on earnings?
As risks with potential impact on our Company group's financial status and management results, we have included in our Annual Securities Reports ten items including currency fluctuation, changes in interest rates, commodity price fluctuations, and accidents/natural disasters. Please see here for details.
Where can I learn about the Company's earnings outlook?
The quantitative outlook and the basis of the estimate are described in the materials for the meetings on earnings held semi-annually. Please see here.