
女神羞羞研究所mpany, Ltd.


  Boundary 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 Unit
Employees, etc.
Number of directors Full-time directors Consolidated Male 216  209  223  217  225  person(s)
    Consolidated Female person(s)
    Consolidated Total 217  210  224  218  228  person(s)
Number of employees*1  Managerial staff Consolidated Male 1,666  1,712  1,674  1,680  1,698  person(s)
    Consolidated Female 96  100  95  99  105  person(s)
    Consolidated Total 1,762  1,812  1,769  1,779  1,803  person(s)
  General Consolidated Male 9,345  9,040  8,486  8,398  8,244  person(s)
    Consolidated Female 2,504  2,310  1,775  1,773  1,785  person(s)
    Consolidated Total 11,849  11,350  10,261  10,171  10,029  person(s)
  Temporary Consolidated
Male - - - 483  472  person(s)
Female - - - 200  185  person(s)
    Consolidated Total - - - 683  657  person(s)
  Total employees Consolidated Total 13,611  13,162  12,030  12,633  12,489  person(s)
Number of employees by country/region Japan Consolidated Male 8,568  8,668  8,621  9,028  8,925  person(s)
    Consolidated Female 1,323  1,384  1,431  1,660  1,671  person(s)
    Consolidated Total 9,891  10,052  10,052  10,688  10,596  person(s)
  Asia Consolidated Male 2,221  1,858  1,317  1,289  1,238  person(s)
    Consolidated Female 1,239  985  400  371  354  person(s)
    Consolidated Total 3,460  2,843  1,717  1,660  1,592  person(s)
  U.S. and Europe Consolidated Male 222  226  222  243  250  person(s)
    Consolidated Female 38  41  39  42  51  person(s)
    Consolidated Total 260  267  261  285  301  person(s)
Number of employees in each age group*2 Under 15 Consolidated Male person(s)
    Consolidated Female person(s)
    Consolidated Total person(s)
  15 to 19 years old Consolidated Male 108  89  112  98  92  person(s)
    Consolidated Female 21  20  13  20  21  person(s)
    Consolidated Total 129  109  125  118  113  person(s)
  20 to 29 Consolidated Male 2,124  1,925  1,691  1,648  1,558  person(s)
    Consolidated Female 600  444  351  361  355  person(s)
    Consolidated Total 2,724  2,369  2,042  2,009  1,913  person(s)
  30 to 39 Consolidated Male 3,164  3,038  2,745  2,716  2,673  person(s)
    Consolidated Female 894  826  530  552  521  person(s)
    Consolidated Total 4,058  3,864  3,275  3,268  3,194  person(s)
  40 to 49 Consolidated Male 2,919  2,798  2,641  2,743  2,617  person(s)
    Consolidated Female 741  738  564  600  582  person(s)
    Consolidated Total 3,660  3,536  3,205  3,343  3,199  person(s)
  50 to 59 Consolidated Male 2,010  2,252  2,290  2,467  2,554  person(s)
    Consolidated Female 284  319  351  418  455  person(s)
    Consolidated Total 2,294  2,571  2,641  2,885  3,009  person(s)
  60 or older Consolidated Male 686  650  681  888  919  person(s)
    Consolidated Female 60  63  61  122  142  person(s)
    Consolidated Total 746  713  742  1,010  1,061  person(s)
Percentage of female employees*3    Consolidated   19.1  18.3  15.5  16.4  16.6  %
Percentage of female managers*3    Consolidated 5.4  5.5  5.4  5.6  5.8  %
Number of new hires Total Consolidated
(Japan only)
  617  486  459  470  545  person(s)
  Percentage to employees Consolidated
(Japan only)
  6.8  5.3  5.0  5.1  5.9 
Number of new graduates who were recruited   Consolidated
(Japan only)
  210  196  205  185  191  person(s)
Number of employees who left Total Consolidated
(Japan only)
  490  427  515  541  612  person(s)
  Percentage to employees Consolidated
(Japan only)
  5.1  4.4  5.3  5.5  6.2 
Three-year retention rate*4    Consolidated
(Japan only)
  89.1  87.8  82.3  79.8  80.4 
Number of those who were re-employed after retirement   Non-consolidated
(Nippon Light Metal Co., Ltd.)
  12  person(s)
Labor Union participation rate   Non-consolidated
(Nippon Light Metal Co., Ltd.)
  100  100  100  100  100 
Average age   Consolidated Male 39.4  40.7  41.3  42.1  42.5  years old
    Consolidated Female 37.0  38.4  39.8  40.5  40.7  years old
    Consolidated Total 39.0  40.3  41.0  41.9  42.2  years old
Average duration of service   Consolidated Male 11.8  12.7  13.4  13.4  13.8  years
    Consolidated Female 7.6  8.6  10.4  10.3  10.9  years
    Consolidated Total 11.0  12.0  12.9  12.9  13.3  years
Average annual hours worked   Consolidated
(Japan only)
Male 2,076  2,085  2,119  2,137  2,164  Hours/person
(Japan only)
Female 1,867  1,919  2,003  2,036  1,990  Hours/person
(Japan only)
Total 2,047  2,062  2,103  2,122  2,139  Hours/person
Average annual overtime work hours   Consolidated
(Japan only)
Male 284  255  257  237  248  Hours/person
(Japan only)
Female 148  130  153  145  133  Hours/person
(Japan only)
Total 266  238  243  224  231  Hours/person
Average number of days of annual paid leave taken   Consolidated Male 11.0  10.8  12.7  13.6  14.8  days
    Consolidated Female 9.6  9.9  12.9  14.2  15.4  days
    Consolidated Total 10.7  10.6  12.7  13.7  14.9  days
Average rate of acquisition of annual paid leave   Consolidated Male 63.9  56.4  59.5  67.6  69.2 
    Consolidated Female 74.3  64.3  67.2  73.4  76.2 
    Consolidated Total 65.4  57.6  60.6  68.5  70.2 
Percentage of newly taken childcare leave*5   Consolidated
(Japan only)
Male 12  12  50  40.6  68.2  person(s)
(Japan only)
Female 52  42  74  108.3 102.9 person(s)
(Japan only)
Total 64  54  124  50.8 73.3 person(s)
Number of employees who newly took nursing care leave   Consolidated
(Japan only)
Male person(s)
(Japan only)
Female person(s)
(Japan only)
Total person(s)
Number of users of the shorter working hour program   Consolidated
(Japan only)
Male 11  person(s)
(Japan only)
Female 85  96  100  110  114  person(s)
(Japan only)
Total 88  101  105  116  125  person(s)
Number of employees who were absent from work due to mental health problems   Consolidated
(Japan only)
Male 51  45  43  40  58  person(s)
(Japan only)
Female 11  23  person(s)
(Japan only)
Total 59  50  51  51  81  person(s)
Average annual amount of expenditure for education/training   Consolidated   25.0  16.2  17.8  31.1  50.9  thousand yen/person
Employment rate of people with disabilities*6   Non-consolidated
(Nippon Light Metal Co., Ltd.)
  2.57  2.60  2.57  2.68  2.86 
(Toyo Aluminium K.K.)
  2.55  2.63  2.30  2.52  2.34 
Ratio of women’s wages to men’s wages*7   Non-consolidated
(Nippon Light Metal Co., Ltd.)
  - - - 68.7 72.2

*1 Fixed-term (full-time) employees are included. Temporary employees began to be included in FY2022.
*2 Consolidated figures have been reported since FY2018.
*3 Began to include the number of temporary employees in FY2022.
*4 Percentage of employees who are still at the company as of April 1 in the year that is three years after they joined the company.
*5 The number of employees was reported in FY2021 and before. The percentage began to be reported in FY2022.
*6 As of June 1 immediately after the end of each fiscal year. The statutory employment rate is 2.3%.
*7 Began to be calculated in FY2022.

  Boundary 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 Unit
Greenhouse gas emissions (Scope 1, Scope 2)*1   Consolidated   535  486  486  449  ★453&苍产蝉辫; thousand tons-CO2

(Japan only)*2
  410  369  386  353  357  thousand tons-CO2
(overseas only)*3
  125  117  100  96  96*3  thousand tons-CO2
Greenhouse gas emissions
per unit of sales*1
(Japan only)
  1.09  1.06  1.01  0.88  0.87  tons-CO2/million yen
Breakdown of Scope 3 emissions*4 Category 1 Purchased goods and services*5 Consolidated   2,358  2,107  2,389  2,404  ★2,026&苍产蝉辫; thousand tons-CO2
  Category 2 Capital goods Consolidated   42  39  23  25  31  thousand tons-CO2
  Category 3 Fuel and energy not included in Scope 1 or 2 Consolidated   34  31  33  32  31  thousand tons-CO2
  Category 4 Upstream transportation and distribution Consolidated   thousand tons-CO2
  Category 5 Waste generated in operation Consolidated   thousand tons-CO2
  Category 6 Business travel Consolidated   thousand tons-CO2
  Category 7 Employee commuting Consolidated   thousand tons-CO2
Energy consumption Electricity Consolidated   8.1  7.8  8.3  7.7  7.4  PJ
  Fuels Consolidated   6.0  5.5  5.8  5.5  5.4  PJ
Energy consumption intensity
per unit of sales
  Consolidated   30.1  30.4  29.0  25.5  24.5  GJ/million yen
Weight of raw materials used in production   Consolidated   523  426  456  555  461  thousand tons
SOx emissions   Consolidated   365  330  350  293  333  tons
NOx emissions   Consolidated   449  380  507  414  439  tons
Quantity of water intake*6   Consolidated   22.6  21.7  21.2  21.3  ★19.0&苍产蝉辫; million m3
Quantity of water input per unit of sales   Consolidated
(Japan only)
  48.5  50.2  43.6  41.2  17.9  m3/million yen
Total amount of discharged water   Consolidated   21.3  20.7  20.4  20.4  3.4  million m3
Total wastewater per unit of sales   Consolidated   4.6  4.8  4.2  3.9  3.4  10-5million m3/million yen
Water consumption   Consolidated   1.3  1.0  0.9  0.9  1.2  million m3
COD emissions   Consolidated   106  90  77  99  77  tons
Emissions and disposal of
waste and waste byproducts
Total emissions Consolidated   45.6  37.1  44.2  38.1  36.2  thousand tons
  Total emissions per unit of sales Consolidated   9.8  8.6  9.1  7.4  6.9  10-5thousand tons/million yen
  Disposed (landfill) Consolidated   3.4  3.5  4.8  5.1  3.7  thousand tons
  Disposed (landfill)per unit of sales Consolidated   7.3  8.2  9.9  9.9  7.1  10-6thousand tons/million yen
Environmental accounting Environmental conservation expenditure:
(Japan only)
  1,580  995  1,359  1,972  1,473  million yen
  Environmental conservation expenditure:
(Japan only)
  6,248  5,746  5,688  6,498  5,897  million yen
  Economic effect of environmental
conservation activities: Earnings
(Japan only)
  370  334  603  634  681  million yen
  Economic effect of environmental conservation activities: Changes in expenditure*7*8 Consolidated
(Japan only)
  1,027  2,098  -1,849  -3,625  2,374  million yen
Number of cases of lawsuits, penalties, or forfeitures related to the environment   Consolidated   case(s)
Number of accidents related to the environment*9   Consolidated   18  case(s)
Number of complaints related to the environment*10   Consolidated   10  18  case(s)
Number of workplace injuries*11 Lost-time injuries Consolidated
(Japan only)
  19  12  15  16  15  case(s)
(overseas only)
  16  14  case(s)
  Non-lost-time injuries Consolidated
(Japan only)
  53  58  46  51  37  case(s)
(overseas only)
Frequency rate of lost-time injuries*11*12   Consolidated   0.91  0.58  0.73  0.81  0.75   
(Nippon Light Metal Co., Ltd.)
  0.27  0.52  0.26  0.52  0.00   
Number of cases that were reported to Group Hotline   Consolidated   29  16  24  16  28  case(s)
Compliance meeting Number of times the meeting was held Consolidated   2,156  2,517  2,416  2,319  2,387  times
  Number of participants Consolidated   21,404  23,059  22,307  21,529  21,911  total number
Number of patent publications*11*13   Consolidated   160  140  213  132  115  case(s)
Number of patent registrations*11*13   Consolidated   81  131  88  97  93  case(s)
Quality assurance
Number of violations of laws or regulations in the provision of products/services   Consolidated   13  44  11  case(s)
Number of prompt reports   Consolidated   15  21  38  case(s)
Number of recalls   Consolidated   case(s)
Expenditure related to social contribution   Consolidated   180  113  118  280  163  million yen
Interim and year-end dividend per share   Consolidated   90  65*14  85  50  50  yen

Amount of income taxes paid by country*15 

Fiscal year Japan China Thailand U.S. Indonesia India Vietnam France
Amount paid Number of employees Amount paid Number of employees Amount paid Number of employees Amount paid Number of employees Amount paid Number of employees Amount paid Number of employees Amount paid Number of employees Amount paid Number of employees
2020 3,915 10,062 526 1,976 59 785 81 158 1 2 0 46 10 31 0 109
2021 5,725 10,784 450 742 58 758 147 152 1 2 135 181 -4 31 16 109
2022 6,522 10,700 422 360 207 752 218 190 1 2 216 200 10 34 0 95

★ We have received independent assurance by KPMG AZSA Sustainability Co., Ltd. regarding the reliability of the data.

*1 The method of calculating Scope 2 emissions has been changed from a location-based method to a market-based one. We revised the emission factors that we apply and corrected the figures for past fiscal years to reflect this change. The sum of Japan only and overseas only figures may not match the consolidated figures due to rounding.
*2 The following CO2 emission factors were used for the calculations. Electricity in Japan: The adjusted emission factor for each electric power supplier that was announced by the Ministry of the Environment and the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry Fuel in Japan: (City gas) The basic emission factor for each gas business operator that was announced by the Ministry of the Environment and the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry; (Other)The CO2 emission factor per unit for each fuel set by a ministerial ordinance from the Ministry of the Environment
*3 The following CO2 emission factors were used for the calculations. Electricity overseas: Emission factor announced by each government (since FY2023) Fuel overseas: Same as fuel in Japan above *2 The subject period is January to December for FY2019 and April to March for FY2020 to FY2023.
*4 Calculated based on the Basic Guidelines on Accounting for Greenhouse Gas Emissions Throughout the Supply Chain issued by the Ministry of the Environment and the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry. To calculate figures for FY2021, we used emission factors specified in the Inventory Database for Environmental Analysis (IDEA) database (ver. 2.3; for calculating greenhouse gas emissions from the supply chain) and in the Summary of LCI Data of Imported Primary Aluminum Ingots in Japan published by the Japan Aluminium Association.
*5 The figures were corrected retroactively to reflect a change in the scope of calculation (the addition of metallic silicon) and the revision of the emission factor. The Scope 3 Category 1 emissions are calculated based on aluminum ingots, aluminum hydroxide, raw salt, and metallic silicon as raw materials. Of the items, the aluminum ingots are those purchased by the Group Metal Center, Metal Business Division of Nippon Light Metal Co., Ltd. and by Nikkei MC Aluminium Co., Ltd.
*6 Only the intake of water used in the manufacturing process is subject to calculation.
*7 Changes in expenditure are calculated using the following formula: Changes in expenditure = expenditure incurred during a base period (FY2022) - expenditure incurred during the current year (FY2023)
*8 - (minus) indicates an increase in expenditure.
*9 Environmental problems that affect external parties (such as the leakage of oil or chemicals)
*10 Number of petitions from external parties (such as those regarding smell and noise
*11 The subject period is the calendar year (January to December).
*12 Injuries that resulted in one or more days’ absence from work (excluding commuting injuries)
*13 Companies subject to calculation were added from FY2020.
*14 On October 1, 2020, the company conducted a one-for-ten reverse stock split.
*15 The amount of taxes paid was 1 yen or more and less than 1 million yen in Indonesia (2 people) and France (95 people). (The figures in the parentheses indicate the number of employees.)