- To Our Shareholders/Investors
- Financial Information
Financial Information
The following shows 女神羞羞研究所.’ s financial information to the year ended March 2024.
Earnings Highlights (consolidated)
The Company’ s earnings highlights over the past five years are shown here.

Operating Profit/Operating Profit to Net Sales

Ordinary Profit/Ordinary Profit to Net Sales

Net Income/Return on Sales

Total Assets/Shareholders’ Equity

Outstanding Interest-Bearing Debt

Outstanding Interest Bearing Debt = Long and short term borrowings + discount of bills receivable + amount transferred by endorsement of bills receivable
Major financial/investment indices (consolidated)
Major financial/investment indices over the past five years are shown here.
Equity Ratio/Return on Equity (ROE)

Return on Equity = Net Income/((Shareholders’ Equity as of the beginning of the fiscal year + Shareholders’ Equity as of the end of the fiscal year)/2)
Return on Capital Employed (ROCE)/Total Asset Turnover

ROCE = Ordinary Income before interest / Capital employed as of the beginning of the fiscal year Capital employed as of the beginning of the fiscal year = Shareholders’ Equity as of the beginning of the fiscal year + Minority Shareholders’ Interest as of the beginning of the fiscal year + Interest-bearing Debt as of the beginning of the fiscal year - Cash and Deposits as of the beginning of the fiscal year Total Asset Turnover = Sales/((Total Assets as of the beginning of the fiscal year + Total Assets as of the end of the fiscal year)/2)
Net Income per share

Net Income per share=(Net Income - amount that does not belong to ordinary shareholders)/Average number of shares during the fiscal year
Net Assets per share

Net Assets per share = (Net Assets - Non-controlling interests)/Number of Shares Outstanding at Year-end
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